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justina cross

Spelling Term 2 Week 4

Grades: 6th Grade
Subjects: Literacy, Vocabulary

Student Instructions

1. Tap the add button 2. Tap label to complete page 2 3. Tap photo and upload your score to page 3 4. Tap move to drag the scrabble tiles on page 5 onto the spelling board. Arrange the scrabble tiles to form a word from your spelling list. 5. Continue to add your spelling words to the spelling board Make sure each new word is formed off an already placed word on the spelling board. 6. Tap shapes to complete self assessment on page 6 7. Tap check when you have finished

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Copy of Karra Olde-Byvank's assignment but with infinite cloning of tiles so they don't run out.
