Student Instructions
Start the activity. Tap the speaker next to the speech bubble to listen to a word. Where do you hear the /b/ sound? Move the speech bubble to the green box if you hear the /b/ sound at the beginning of the word. Move the speech bubble to the pink box if you hear the /b/ sound at the end of the word. Check your work. Press the green check to turn in your work.
This activity supports Sound Wall Instruction from Kid Lips Instructional Guide. Answer Key: Beginning- Ball, Bone Back End- Web, Grab Rub Audio Directions Transcript: Tap the speaker next to the speech bubble to listen to a word. Where do you hear the /b/ sound? Move the speech bubble to the green box if you hear the /b/ sound at the beginning of the word. Move the speech bubble to the pink box if you hear the /b/ sound at the end of the word. When you are finished sorting the speech bubbles, press the green check to turn in your work.