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Tic Toc - What's the Time? 24 Hour Time

Grades: 5th Grade, 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

We will be looking at Tic Toc biscuits and converting the time to 24 hour time. You will have the choice of three tasks. 1 -Complete time conversions using their given time on each biscuit 2. Use two of your times from your Tic Toc biscuits to create an elapsed time problem. Record both of the times as an analogue clock and write the 24-hour time underneath. Show the elapsed time between the two times. 3.Tic Toc Timetable: Create a timetable for an event of your choice (zoo, show etc) Create times for each activity or presentation at your event. For example, zoo timetable: 13:30 petting zoo, 14:00 lion feeding, 14:50 large birds of prey presentation etc. Draw each time on an analogue clock. Early finishers: https://au.ixl.com/math/year-5/convert-between-12-hour-and-24-hour-time
