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Margaret Hufstedler
I am a 31 year veteran teacher, also known as maggieskinder.com
Alton Elementary School, Alton MO US
Seesaw Ambassador
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Margaret Hufstedler

Pot of Gold Addition 3

Margaret Hufstedler

Pot of Gold Addition 2

Margaret Hufstedler

Pot of Gold Addition

Margaret Hufstedler

What's the Date?

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Kk

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Zz

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Yy

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Xx

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Ww

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Vv

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Uu

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Tt

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Ss

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Rr

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Qq

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Pp

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Oo

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Nn

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Mm

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Ll

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Kk

Margaret Hufstedler

Draw and Write Jj